Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Give Thanks...

I LOVE November!!! It is such a wonderful month of Thanksgiving and remembering all that we have to be thankful for. In many ways, thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I love getting together with family and looking back on how blessed we are. It isn't about presents and gift giving and getting caught up in material things. It's just about getting together and spending quality time (and of course eating a delicious meal). :) I think America needs a Thanksgiving once a month. This day in time I don't think we take the time to realize how much we have been given, we are too focused on what we don't have, myself included. As I look back on this year I have received many blessings and in some ways 2011 has been the greatest year of my life. In other ways though it has been the hardest and most challenging, which humbles me and has a way of bringing me back down to reality.

First of all this year I'm EXTREMELY thankful for marrying my best friend and having the wedding of my dreams!!! That day will always be my favorite day for the rest of my life. I am so blessed to have John in my life! He is an amazing husband and every day together just gets better and better! I couldn't have gotten more lucky to have such a catch! We were made for each other and I'm so glad God allowed us to be together forever, what a blessing and now my life is complete with my better half! Marriage is wonderful and we are truly thankful for one another!

Also, I am thankful that my wonderful parents gave me the wedding of my dreams!!! Since I was a little girl I have dreamed about how my wedding day would be and I can honestly say it was even better than I had hoped for! Thanks Mom and Dad for giving me the best day and for all your hard work and helping me pull off my wedding just the way I wanted it. Thank you both for supporting and encouraging John and I every step of the way. It was such a fun process and I wish we could do it all over again. Also, the wedding was such a great opportunity to get everyone we know together, that was a once in a lifetime thing where everyone was's depressing because I know there will never again be a time when all the people we love will be in the same room. On the up side, it was a total BLAST having everyone there to help us celebrate, there was nothing like that night and we will always look back on those wonderful memories.

My family is another reason I'm so blessed. This year especially we have really been super close with the wedding and Chandler's health issue. Family are the people you can always count on and when life brings you joy or sorrow family will be right there to help celebrate with you or to be a shoulder to cry on. This year has brought my life much happiness and much sadness as well but I can say we have never stopped loving one another every step of the way and we only grow closer and stronger. I couldn't be more thankful for John, my Mom, Dad, and Chandler. The five of us now, lol, are such a close knit family and we really enjoy each time we are all together. I really appreciate how my family has taken John in this year as one of their own and truly treats him like a son. I know he appreciates that just as much as I do! Also, I love my grandparents beyond words are they are possibly the sweetest people I know! I really look up to them and admire them and I'm thankful for everything they have done for John and I this year! The wedding was a wonderful time to also have all of the extended family get together. I have a BIG family so when we all get together it is a party! I love each and every one of them and am so thankful they all were their to support John and I on our special day. Also, a HUGE thanks to my wonderful Aunt's and Cousin who gave me the BEST Bridesmaid's lunch! All of my family stepped up to help out with the Wedding in any way they could and I will forever be grateful!

Friends are another reason I'm so thankful! This year has truly allowed me to see who my true friends are and I'm so grateful for each of the friendships I have. My friend Brittany, also my Maid of Honor is such a great friend that I can always rely on and will always be in my life and for that I couldn't be happier. My friend Krista is also one of my best friends that I'm so thankful for. Our friendship continues to grow even though I moved away and I just love to talk to her and see her when we can. Both of these girls mean the world to me! My friend Nicole and I also have such a great friendship. We don't always get to see each other often but we always pick up where we leave off and I'm so honored that she was a bridesmaid in my wedding, I know we will always be friends too. No distance can take that away! I also miss Katie, Ashley, Stephanie, Aisha, and Gesma and all of my other St. Thomas friends that are always there for me and I'm so thankful that we all started out as co-workers and ended up being friends! I miss you girls but love visiting and talking with you all. You all mean so much to me too and I miss having co-workers like you all! I couldn't believe ya'll came to my wedding in Georgia, that will always mean the world to me. I love all of these friends in my life. This year they have all been there for me through the happiest time of my life and the hard times. Thanks for all the support and love!

I'm thankful for the nice city John and I live in and the opportunities we have both been given here in Chattanooga. We both have good careers to where we can live comfortably and enjoy our life. God has given us a great church home here that we love and a wonderful place that has a lot to do but is still a small and safe town to live in. It has been a great place to start our lives together!

John's family has also been a blessing in our lives and I'm glad that some of them were able to be at our Wedding this year. Even though I don't know some of them that well yet I look forward to getting to know them better through the years. His Mom and Stepdad and Dad and Stepmom are wonderful and we enjoy spending time with them when we can.

Overall, I have SO much to be thankful for and these are just a few reasons I count my blessings. I could go on and on but I'll stop there. However, none of these things would have been possible without God, He is the one that all blessings come from and I'm beyond thankful to have such a wonderful Savior who has given me a blissful life and so much to be thankful for!

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