June 11th was the best day of my life by far...My Wedding Day! My parents gave me the Wedding of my dreams and I enjoyed the seven months of planning with my mom...yes, we were crazy and only had SEVEN months to pull off the Wedding I had always wanted. Needless to say it was very stressful and sometimes I felt like I needed a Xanax! Since it was so special to me, you will see me write a lot of blogs about different parts of that day and everything I felt about the planning. That way you all that weren't able to be there can re-live it with me and those of you that were there can hear about the parts you did not see. I just mainly want to keep reliving the entire process and this is one way I can...haha! My mom and I had NO CLUE what we were getting ourselves into when we took on the task of planning a Wedding. I don't have a sister or any close friends for that matter who have gotten married yet. I have been to a ton of Weddings and a flower girl in many as well but never knew how much work goes into the day! Looking back I don't know how we pulled it off perfectly but we did with the grace of God! Looking back on the day now, I would do every step all over again. I have to be honest, I was on a Wedding High during the entire planning process, the Wedding itself, and the Honeymoon, that when I finally got back home from it all I didn't know what to do with myself. There was no details to worry about, I wasn't running around like crazy, and no millions of phone calls to make. It kept me busy and excited for so long and now that it's over I look back and the whole day seems like a blur that went by WAY too fast! It's crazy to think that all the little details, big plans, and stress all came down to just a few short hours. It seems like with as much time and work it takes it should at least last a day or even a week! So as a nurse I have a new diagnosis for the Medical world...Wedding Blues. Yes, it's real and it does exist and I have suffered from these Wedding Blues! I dreamed about my Wedding Day, like all little girls, for as long as I could remember. It just doesn't seem fair that the one day I waited for my entire life went by so fast. The part that makes me the saddest about when I think back on the day was as I looked around the reception room at all of our family and guests I knew that this would be the ONLY time all these people who are so special to John and I would ever be together like this. Everyone we cared about were in one big room and here to support us. It was breathtaking and honestly still makes me tear up. If it was up to me I'd have a big party every month and get all these people we love together to celebrate...but John and I aren't rich enough to have a big party like that and not everyone could come due to their own schedules. Our Wedding Day was the ONLY day to have everyone together like that ever again, and that's depressing to me! We had my HUGE family there all together, a few of John's family from Memphis and Louisiana, a bunch of my co-workers and friends from Nashville, John's Groomsmen and friends from all over the country, one of his Groomsmen who lost his Dad the week before, a lot of his co-workers from Chattanooga, and my best friend from childhood (who even though we lose touch every now and then) came back into town just in time for the Wedding and said she wouldn't have missed it, to my great Aunt who is on oxygen and doesn't hardly get out of the house anymore, to the man at our church who two weeks ago had triple bypass heart surgery and said he'd do his best to make it even though he was still recovering...and at the reception he was one of the first to come up and hug me. It still blows me away at how supportive everyone has been and people were there from all parts of our life. From childhood to the present. Everyone who has meant something to us throughout our lives were their to celebrate with us! So needless to say, John and I are SO blessed and on that night it really hit us! It was earth-shattering to see how much love and kindness was in that room and we will never forget each individual there!
When I got the call from my photographer that our Wedding Album was online for us to view I was beyond excited because John and I have anxiously waited to see our pictures so we could re-live some of the moments. Once I started looking at the first few pictures I immediately started to cry...I got so emotional just looking at those few pictures. They are truly beautiful...almost as beautiful as the day itself. It made me want to go back in time and marry John every day, over and over again, to dance with my Dad to our favorite song (Butterfly Kisses), and enjoy the company of everyone special to us. Yes, the Wedding Blues have hit me for the past month after the Wedding. It is getting better with time and having John with me everyday as we begin our lives together has been wonderful! However, if I had my choice I'd re-play the day over and over again. I know that no other day will ever compared to that day and nothing will ever seem as exciting but I find relief knowing that I have a wonderful husband to share my life with and fabulous photos and video of the Wedding to help me re-live the day. Also, we have the most AMAZING people in our lives that we can see at different times. Has any other Bride out there suffered from Wedding Blues? Please tell me I'm not the only crazy one out there, haha!
If you would like to see the Wedding Album...Go to Karenburnsphotography.com, click on Album Gallery, and our is the first one! Enjoy!
-A Blessed Bride